Loans Acceptable has grown in the past several years, and has become an Authorised Electronics Merchant. With a variety of affordable products for clients as per our list of available stock. The stock list is updated on a regular basis. With the support of local and registered finance providers, as well as local electronic suppliers, this option is now available to Loans Acceptable clients on approval of their loan application. This product is a unique option to obtain a personal loan and / or an consolidation loan as well as buying a product/s of your choice from our range of products. All this from one service. The loan as well as the product/s and only pay one instalment. It is possible to apply for a loan, or a consolidation loan, and get a product included, that can be paid off within 6 to 36 months, to the authorised finance providers. All our products have normal suppliers guarantee as agreed with the suppliers. Terms and conditions apply.
Application process takes plus minus 2 x working days.
Stock available at the Loans Acceptable office at 760, 27th avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria for collection, as advertised.
Delivery of stock is also possible within 10 x working days, to the client at his home or work address.
Documents needed:
Application Form
Clear ID Copy
Proof of residence
Latest 3 payslips with company logo or stamp on
Latest 3 months bank statements draw inside the bank with a bank stamp on it
Client needs to sign a finance provider’s credit agreement, for the purpose of the loan
Client needs to sign Loans Acceptable’s delivery note, for acceptance of the product at the end of the process.