If all your loan application attempts failed in the past 6 months or so, due to over commitment or any other reason, and there is no assistance, even with a consolidation loan due to un-affordability. We at Loans Acceptable Funding can refer your application to one of our Attorneys for assistance. Loans Acceptable Funding do promise that we do have a solution for every client’s financial needs, and situation. This Mediation option below, is the more effective and fastest way to take control over your finances. Loans Acceptable Funding is proud to announce that we assist 40% and more of our clients whose loan applications was declined, with this option. We will bring a relieve to your monthly re-payments and you will have more money left for monthly expenses.
The New Mediation Program, Information Help Guide
Let us give you a little more information on how this program works.
We (Loans Acceptable Funding and ADS (the Law firm) will be working with you as client, hand-on-hand to take control over your finances (creditors). You will be informed all the way by phone, or email, as you the client are very important to us, and not just a number.
First phase, With the application there is a questionnaire also to complete because we want to know from you if you are or were under debt review. This will help us to understand your financial state better and we will also, by you sending us the newest PDA Hyphen statement from your current debt review company, have a clearer picture of what your situation is at that moment, and by knowing this, we will be able to assist you with a lower instalment, up-to taking 50% off on what your instalments was.
The second phase, after receiving all your documents and application form, a quotation will be done by ADS (the Law firm). You the client will receive an invoice for the first payment (also affordable) to Loans Acceptable Funding (once off) and your file will then be handed over to ADS in Cape Town. The 2nd payment will be to ADS (lawyers fee) (once off), and the 3rd payment starts going toward creditors, you will also receive a letter/contract with all the info as revealed above.
Third phase, You will be asked to open a new bank account on which there is no debt order going off. If your current account is debt free you can continue to use it. A card will be linked to your bank account from ADS, and you will be asked to put a Stop-Order in place for the quote amount that needs to be paid monthly to all your creditors, who will then already be linked to this card. As soon as your money goes into the card, your creditors are paid immediately. You will be given an access code for the card, which will give you 24/7 access to see what is done and paid with your money. You will also be able to draw payment receipts.
You the client will always be in control of your finances. We are there to help and assist you in building up your credit score, and in future help you apply for credit again to go on that planned holiday that was put aside for years…